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Ask the Lord

Short-Term Mission trip day # 4 –ATL

            I have been on one other mission trip before and we did Ask The Lord (ATL), but the first time I did it…. Well, it really didn’t work for me. Many of my friends were seeing things like faces and colors and objects, but I got nothing. Yet this time we did ATL, we sat in a park and prayed asking the Lord to show us what he wanted us to see. I saw the color red. With me being me, I was really skeptical at first. So, when Lydia asked us if we saw anything, I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure. Then we were asked to pray again. I prayed “Lord I know you showed me the color red, and I am just making sure that this is what I am supposed to see.” Again I saw the color red, but I also saw a set of red carpeted steps that went down into a hall way, and I heard the running of children and their laughter. I shared all but the laughing children with my group. (The group of children I thought was just background noise because we were in a park). When we were sharing the people in my group saw red, a red brick wall, a red beating heart, blue, three white dots, the number 75, children, and then the letter G. I was at first surprised to hear so much red. So we chose a direction and headed out. When I was waiting to fill up my water bottle, I was talking to my friend AJ in my group about what I heard and he said, “that wasn’t background noise because I know for sure that I didn’t hear that”. That really affected me, and I was surprised and started to not be as skeptical about it.
            We started our walk in something of a random direction. I just started looking around me and there is the color red everywhere! I was shocked and happy and just confused all at once. But most of all excited, because I know I had just seen God work in my life. As we kept walking, there was just more and more red (we saw a red and white polka dotted bike…. SO COOL!). As we kept walking we looked down on a street and we see a red and blue sign for a kids camp. So we walked down towards it, and not being sure if we could go in, we prayed for it and went on our way. We walked for about 10 more minutes and we reached a corner and to our right was a man sitting on the ground. Two of my leaders, Elizabeth and I went over to talk to him. You could tell that at first he wasn’t sure if he wanted to talk to us. I introduced myself. He started to talk with us, said that he knew the Lord. He was just so nice to talk to, but he seemed lonely. Right before we left him I looked at his neck and there was a red and blue lanyard on his neck. I was shocked, I knew when I saw that God had meant for me to talk to him. We walked away, prayed for him, and kept on walking. Later we found a man named Nate. He had a disability in his right hand and a group of us went up to talk to him. He was kind but unsure. We asked him if he wanted to pray with us and he said yes (oh and we gave him water too). After we were done, I noticed that his ring on his left hand was red. It made me feel again like I was meant to talk to him. So I went from being really really skeptical about Ask The Lord to being really excited to do it again.

Sarah, Michigan
Short-term Mission trip Particpant