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Serving the Lord

Hey New York this is Caleb from Minnesota, I am writing to you today to write about my journey here. I came at the end of July to partner with a church in Mt. Vernon called Mt. Vernon Alliance Church. We have done all sorts of things from prayer walks to work projects around the church, cleaning, and even basketball with the young men from community of Mt. Vernon. God has been doing so many things here; He has done things in my life that I would have never guessed would have happened. On a prayer walk through the city, I was starting to wonder if God would show himself to me through this trip and if he was there. We did an Ask The Lord (ATL) which is a listening prayer activity where we did a prayer to have God show himself to us and to tell what we saw. My leader Josh saw a man on his crutches during his prayer and as we walked around the corner we immediately saw a man on crutches standing there just waiting. I got some huge goose bumps and teared up and could not comprehend how amazed I was. God was with us and is always with us.
Another thing this week was just working around the church. I had to clean toilets and bathrooms and I did not want to at all. So I did it because I was told to and why not anyway. The next day, I was reading devotions and came across this verse in Colossians, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart…for the Lord and not for man.” (Colossians 3:23). And that day I worked again and kept that verse in mind and just enjoyed the work so much more! Anyway God was good this trip and worked in so many ways. I loved New York and thank you to Pastor Orlando and his family for housing us and letting us serve this community.
God is a whole lot bigger than we think and can do many things that are beyond measure. This is not a coincidence but it is a miracle. So when you work, think about what Paul says in Colossians to work for him not for self or man!  Thank you to all who read this and may God Bless you and be with you wherever you go. He will never leave you nor forsake you!